From: postmaster Subject: **Message you sent blocked by our SPAM filter** [? %m |#|In-Reply-To: %m] Message-ID: Your message to: %R has triggered our SpamAssassin SPAM filters and has been rejected. The email you sent with the following subject has NOT BEEN DELIVERED: Subject: %j We use a set of email filters to help block the delivery of unsolicited commercial email, otherwise known as SPAM. For more information on SPAM, please visit If you believe that you have received this message in error, please send a PLAIN TEXT (not HTML-formatted) reply to this email message. When we receive your reply, we will add your email address to our list of approved senders. Please note that updating this list is a manual process. The report below will help you determine why your message was flagged as SPAM. If you continue to have problems, please contact the postmaster ( Thank you very much, Postmaster SpamAssassin report: [%A ]\